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Attending Eurosatory 2024: Global Event for Defence and Security

Our team will participate in Eurosatory 2024, a global defence and security show in Paris, France, on June 17-21, 2024. Our main goal is to promote the Ukrainian defence technology ecosystem, showcase Ukrainian startups, and highlight their investment potential.

About Eurosatory 2024?

Founded in 1967, Eurosatory is the world’s leading event for defence and security professionals. The exhibition features more than 2,000 exhibitors from 62 countries, 41 national pavilions, 62,000 visitors from 150 countries, 250 official delegations from 96 countries, 560 international journalists, and more than 300 international speakers as well as 100+ conferences.

Labs activities in Paris

Daria Yaniieva, Investment Director at Sigma Software Labs and Board Member of the Defence Builder Accelerator, will give a speech on Ukraine’s defence and technology sector “Protecting the Future: Combining Ukraine’s Battlefield Needs with Business Opportunities”. She will cover innovative startups moving the ecosystem forward, rapid iterations driven by battlefield needs, the need for partnerships and investment, the recent partnership with the Ministry of Defence to develop solutions upon Defence Forces’ request, and the concept activities of Defence Builder.

Speech Details:

Why is it important for us? 

Ukraine’s defence technology sector is developing very rapidly and has joint defence projects with various European countries and beyond. For example, Ukrainian and French companies recently signed a licence agreement to create an ammunition production capability under the KNDS France/Nexter licence, as announced by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 

Also, the sector has strong governmental support. More than 1,600 developments were already registered in Brave1 military cluster. Since July 2023, more than 170 no-equity grants have been allocated within the project, totalling $3M+. On top of that, In April together with partners, we launched the Defence Builder Accelerator, which aims to create conditions for the systemic development of Ukraine’s defence sector. Shortly after its launch, Defence Builder signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine to jointly support developers in creating technological solutions at the request of the Defence Forces. We aim to deliver them to the front line as soon as possible.

Our commitment to the development of the defence startup ecosystem aims to accelerate global peace and help Ukrainian founders advance their innovations, access a broad network of investors, and improve the investment climate in Ukraine. Eurosatory 2024 is going to become another platform for cooperation.

Please contact us to set up a meeting and explore potential synergies:

Looking forward to seeing you at Eurosatory 2024 in Paris!